This entity platform is the default choice when representing readable only BOOLEAN registers but it can also be configured to expose data in BITMASK and ENUM classes.

Configuration for BOOLEAN registers

This is the minimal configuration needed to bind a register which exposes just 0 or 1 in a single byte payload over HEX frames. For this kind of registers, when exposed through the TEXT frame layer, the component will parse the string “ON” in the text payload to match the value.

  - platform: m3_vedirect
    vedirect_id: vedirect_0
      - name: "Load output state"
          address: 0xEDA8
          text_label: "LOAD"
          boolean: {} # optional: binary_sensor will use BOOLEAN class behavior by default

Configuration for BITMASK registers

This configuration allows you to ‘extract’ some bits from a BITMASK register to check if any is set. It works by masking those bits with the logical AND operator (& in c++):

    bool value = (raw_value & mask) ? true : false;

In order to make it work then you have to configure the (bit)mask. The data_size is not needed since the component safely extracts the correct length from the HEX (or TEXT) payload.

  - platform: m3_vedirect
    vedirect_id: vedirect_0
      - name: "Switched off"
          address: 0x0207
          text_label: "OR"
          bitmask: {}
        mask: 14 # mask for bits 1, 2, 3 (2 + 4 + 8) see Victron docs for DEVICE_OFF_REASON(_2) register

Keep in mind the mask value is optional and by default it is set to -1 (convention to set all the bits of a numeric value) meaning every register content different from 0 will be reported as on. This way it works as a ‘generalized’ BOOLEAN class register (with any data size).

Configuration for ENUM registers

This configuration allows you to ‘match’ the register value against the mask parameter. In c++:

    bool value = (raw_value == mask) ? true : false;
  - platform: m3_vedirect
    vedirect_id: vedirect_0
      - name: "Device Fault"
          address: 0x0201 # register VE_REG_DEVICE_STATE
          text_label: "CS"
          enum: {}
        mask: 2 # Matches the 'FAULT' state in VE_REG_DEVICE_STATE

Keep in mind the register will be treated as a single byte (this is an internally enforced convention) when you set the class as ENUM.