This entity platform is the default choice when representing modifiable NUMERIC registers (i.e. configurable numeric values like ‘Maximum charge current’, ‘Bulk voltage’ and so on). You cannot set a binding with a TEXT frame label here since it would have no meaning: modifiable registers are not exposed or managed through this layer.

Configuration for NUMERIC registers

This is the typical configuration needed to bind a configurable register (The example relates to a register available on Phoenix inverters).

  - platform: m3_vedirect
    vedirect_id: vedirect_0
      - name: "AC Output voltage setpoint"
          address: 0x0230
          data_type: UN16
            scale: 0.01
            unit: "V"
        min_value: 210
        max_value: 240
        step: 0.1

Note you’d have to properly set the data_type in order to correctly decode/encode the raw data for HEX framing. If not set, the component will try to auto-detect the data size (1,2,4 bytes) when receiving the first frame for the register, but it will nevertheless assume the value is an unsigned type

address, data_type, scale and unit are all extracted from the official VE.Direct-HEX-Protocol-Phoenix-Inverter for the register.

In order to understand the ‘defaults’, this other minimal configuration should work too:

  - platform: m3_vedirect
    vedirect_id: vedirect_0
      - name: "AC Output voltage setpoint"
          address: 0x0230

Here, having not set anything about the register layout, the component will assume:

  • data_type: unsigned numeric with size automatically inferred when receiving a frame.
  • scale: defaults to 1 (i.e. exposes/sets the raw values).
  • min, max, step: unassigned so you don’t have any and things depends on the defaults in the EspHome->HA chain.