About VEDirect registers

Every data point (be it a measure, a setting, any info or so) in VEDirect is identified by a register which can be addressed (i.e. read or written) in HEX frames. Some of these registers are also broadcasted in a different format (same data) by TEXT frames where are identified by a specific label. This component defines some properties of the registers in order to configure the entities behavior in EspHome. The first and most important property is the CLASS which defines the semantics of the data together with the DATA_TYPE which instead defines the low level encoding of data carried through HEX frames.

These informations are useful to configure the binding between a register and an entity in EspHome in order to determine their behavior. When configuring a register, you should follow the semantics as defined in the official Victron docs but you’re in charge (and free) of configuring the binding. For example, even if a register is reported to behave as an ENUM or as a BITMASK in the docs, you could decide to configure that as a NUMERIC in a sensor entity so that it will render as a plain numeric value


This defines the low level encoding of data carried in the HEX frame when querying/setting the register. Every register has its own ‘DATA_TYPE’ whichever the CLASS. This property is only meaningful when configuring binding for HEX frames since TEXT frames carry data in a string which is always ‘smartly’ parsed by the component. We have:

DATA_TYPE data size (bytes) signed/unsigned raw level encoding (c++)
VARIADIC unknown   The data length is variable or not well defined - typically used for STRING class registers
UN8 1 unsigned uint8
UN16 2 unsigned uint16
UN32 4 unsigned uint32
SN8 1 signed int8
SN16 2 signed int16
SN32 4 signed int32


There are 5 classes defined. Each class defines how to interpret the data and usually binds to a corresponding entity type in EspHome. For example, a BOOLEAN register, intuitively, should be binded to a binary_sensor (or switch if writable) entity due to its behavior. This relationship is very strong for some classes while some other might suggest multiple ‘bindings’ into EspHome entity platforms. We’ll cover this later with some details.

  • BITMASK: Represents a bitmask i.e. a set of bit fields each carrying a binary state. The raw data value could have any size (DATA_TYPE: UN8 - UN16 - UN32). The typical example for a BITMASK register is VE_REG_DEVICE_OFF_REASON_2 (address: 0x0207) which has a data size of 4 bytes (UN32).
  • BOOLEAN: The register carries either 0 (false/inactive/disabled) or 1 (true/active/enabled) in a 1-byte payload (data_type: UN8).
  • ENUM: The register can assume a value from a limited/predefined set of numeric options. It is usually encoded as uint8 (data_type: UN8). Typical example is VE_REG_DEVICE_MODE (address: 0x0200).
  • NUMERIC: The register contains a numeric value (signed or unsigned) representing a quantity (either a measure or a setting).
  • STRING: The value is an ANSI string of variable length (DATA_TYPE: VARIADIC).


VEDirect registers can be read-only or writable and this impacts which entity platform you should use to manage the register. In general you should follow this table:

ACCESS Suggested entity platform
READ_ONLY binary_sensor,sensor,text_sensor
READ_WRITE number,select,switch

The component uses this property internally (defined in flavors REG_DEFs) to decide which entity type to automatically instantiate when using auto_create_entities option while there’s no place to use it when manually defining entities configuration since the ‘writability’ is naturally implied by the entity type. For example, you’re still allowed to use a number entity to try writing into a READ_ONLY register but it’ll likely end up in a frame error reply from the device.

This table summarizes the allowed bindings between a register CLASS definition and an entity platform. Details on how to configure these bindings are in the relevant platform documentation.

Entity platform Supported CLASSes
number NUMERIC
select ENUM
sensor NUMERIC

The following table summarizes the ‘suggesteds/natural’ binding relations between registers and entities:

CLASS ACCESS Suggested entity platform
BITMASK READ_ONLY binary_sensor, text_sensor
  READ_WRITE switch
BOOLEAN READ_ONLY binary_sensor
  READ_WRITE switch
ENUM READ_ONLY text_sensor
  READ_WRITE select
  READ_WRITE number
STRING READ_ONLY text_sensor
  READ_WRITE no support (likely not implemented in VEDirect too)


Remember the CLASS, beside emerging from a classification of VEDirect registers behavior according to the official docs, is just a config setting in order to describe the semantics of the underlying data to the entity platform. It doesn’t mean you cannot bind what ‘emerge’ as an ENUM register (from the docs) to an EspHome sensor entity. For example, those previous tables state that a sensor can only be configured to treat the register as NUMERIC. That means that the value will nevertheless be interpreted as a numeric value (that’s the characteristic feature of the sensor platform). This will be more clear by checking each platform documentation and seeing how the CLASS configuration affects the treatment of raw data.